Lead Scientist: Dr Raymond A. Clarke 

Expertise of Lead Scientist

The advanced techniques and experimental models employed by Dr Clarke’s Autism Genetics Research Group at the Ingham Institute provide insight into how changes in genes and proteins increase the risk of Autism and its comorbidities and how this risk can be reversed or reduced using genetic based molecular medicines.

Who We Are

Your Auction4Autism online or direct Donation – will help fund the Research of our Lead Scientist Dr Raymond A. Clarke in the development of safe and effective medicines for Autism and its comorbidities.

Dr Raymond A. Clarke (PhD)

Head Autism Genetics Research Group 
Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research
Discipline of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales
ORCID: 0000 0002 7196 9623

Lead Scientist: Dr Raymond A. Clarke

  • Discovered the major cause of Autism (Patent Application Development).
  • Was a member of the Research Group that first established ATM as a breast cancer tumour suppressor gene and first to demonstrate the dominant negative interference effects of the ATM protein in breast cancer. 
  • Lead Scientist in the Research Group that 1st identified the gene GDF6 causing familial spinal birth defects in Klippel-Feil syndrome. 
  • Identified the NTSC mutation hot spot that causes Tourette syndrome which in turn identified the most compelling genetic link between Autism and Tourette syndrome. 
  • Identified the TOSPEAK gene that regulates evolutionary development of the larynx and speech through transcriptional interference.
  • Your Auction4Autism online or Direct Donation – will help Dr Clarke develop a new class of genetic based medicines for Autism at the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research.

Dr Clarke said “Developing safe and effective medicines for Autism will improve the life of autistic children everywhere, their parents, carers and educators.”

lead scientist